Chinjung Mom’s postpartum care staff in the United States is composed of Koreans with a lot of experience and good character who have passed background checks, completed vaccinations, passed psychological and aptitude tests by clinical psychologists, permanent residents and citizens residing in the United States. Those who passed the evaluation and selection through strict procedures.
Education is an educational program jointly developed by the Gangnam Yonsei Child and Adolescent Counseling Center and the Chinjung Mom Child Development Institute, postpartum care professional training programs at educational institutions designated by the Ministry of Health and Welfare in Korea, postpartum care culture in Korea, and American postpartum care experienced for 13 years. We work together with professional education programs that combine theory and practice with cultural convergence.
Chinjung Mom, an American postpartum care professional who loves her baby very much, cares for her mother dearly, and does her best with love, honesty, responsibility, sincerity, and love, conducts a maternity care program as a postpartum care specialist during the postpartum care period.
- Prepare meals with a nutritious diet to help with postpartum care.
- Considering the sufficient nutrition required for the postpartum recovery period, we prepare meals with the desired diet after consulting with the mother.
- Massage promotes blood circulation and eliminates swelling to help postpartum recovery and body shape management after childbirth.
- Prevent breast soreness with breast massage.
- The breastfeeding support program helps with breastfeeding.
- Postpartum gymnastics promotes recovery to the original state by contracting the muscles that have been stretched from pregnancy to delivery.
- With simple tidying up, you can tidy up your baby’s room and kitchen.
- Laundry for mothers and newborns is washed according to the fabric, and daily laundry is done in a washing machine. Separate baby clothes and wash them separately.
- We ask for your full cooperation as the mother helper has to focus on caring for the mother and newborn baby.
The basic family consists of mother, child and father. - In the case of commuting, the manager prepares dinner for the father before work.
For occupancy types, breakfast is also prepared. - Additional fees apply for additional family members other than the mother and father.
The daily schedule listed below is the postpartum care routine for commuting to and from work.
- The resident-type daily schedule is based on the commuting schedule, and a program that takes care of the child at night is added.
- In the case of moving in, you can rest enough for your aunt to take care of your baby even at night after consulting with your mother.
- The daily schedule listed below is a commuting schedule from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.
- The contents of the daily schedule are basic and are flexible after consultation with the mother to the extent that there is no obstacle to caring for the mother and newborn baby.
Hour | Services | Newborn/ Common |
Morning | Prepare a nutritious, balanced breakfast for postpartum care | Washing hands, observing breastfeeding and diapers during the night |
Morning | Cleaning the kitchen and washing the breakfast dishes | Cleaning and disinfecting milk bottles/pumps, feeding formula |
Morning | Supports correct breastfeeding position. express assist | Play music |
Morning | Maternal sitz bath service, observation of breastfeeding and Oroyang | Observing the condition of the breast (observing the mammary glands) |
Morning | Breast massage, abdominal massage (abdominal obesity prevention and oro discharge), breast massage | Washing dishes and tidying up |
Morning | Maternity foot bath service, postpartum gymnastics | Observation of neonatal urine volume |
Afternoon | Lunch preparation, lunch and surrounding tidy up | Observation of lactation |
Afternoon | 1 hour break after lunch | Steaming and simple massage depending on the condition of the breast |
Afternoon | Yellow clay compress (stimulates blood circulation by part) | Areola massage to facilitate breastfeeding expression from time to time (feeding assistance) |
Afternoon | Newborn bath (2-3 times a week) | Cleaning and disinfecting milk bottles |
Afternoon | Newborn Laundry and Organizing | |
Afternoon | Tidying up the toilet | |
Afternoon | Dinner and meal prep |
In the case of the occupancy type, please check the guidelines for parental mothers for break times.
- Postpartum caregivers are primarily responsible for caring for mothers and newborns.
- We do not do anything that is not directly related to postpartum care, such as cleaning verandas, window frames, household chores, cupboards, cabinets, curtains, blankets, carpets, tied laundry, making kimchi, and setting up tables for visiting guests.
- A postpartum care manager is a person who acts as a helper for the stability and body recovery of mother and baby.
The postpartum manager is not a professional medical person, so you do not have to request medical services. - Mothers, please actively cooperate so that the postpartum care staff can efficiently focus on the postpartum care of the mother and the care of the newborn baby.
Reservation and mother helper process

Apply for postpartum care service
Chinjung Mom of the United States is a dispatch service throughout the United States, and presents a special impression to mothers with babies with the heart and hands of Chinjung Mom.